
I rebranded Daiya’s vegan mac and cheese packaging.

The new packaging more closely represents its audience while still being reminiscent of the old brand. It is also able to be versatile across each of the brand’s flavors and products.

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Daiya is a modern brand focused on vegan and non-dairy consumers. Their old packaging was corporate and blended in with every other product on the shelf. To distinguish it’s health benefits to their audience, the new packaging needed to be natural yet modern.

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The package

The package needed to stand out, so I created one that resembled a natural paper bag that a local vendor might use, but is able to be mass produced to keep up with the company’s large scale orders. The design is modern, but also pulls elements directly from the originally packaging so it doesn’t alienate the original consumers.


outpost: branding


design for good: branding a company for good