
Tighty Whitey Rally is an organization from dosomething.org that encourages students to urge their universities to supply their merchandise from ethical retailers.

To do this, students rally in their underwear. I designed a brand for the organization.

Label Tag PSD MockUp.png

Spreading the word

In order to draw interest across campus, I created marketing materials with bold, attention drawing imagery and facts. Advertising materials include clothing tags to “tag” objects around campus, posters, and social media.


Tighty Whiteys for all

Not every student is willing to march across campus lacking their clothes, but this campaign works with strength in numbers. I created an option for those students that is almost as eye catching as seeing your classmates in their undergarments.

Clipboard Menu Mockup.png

Action time

Once students are able to draw the attention of those across campus, it’s time to reach out to the decision makers. Students are able to get signatures and pass it on to their school officials. With the strength of numbers + semi nudity, change can be made with the ethical purchasing of college merchandise.


daiya mac + cheese: packaging rebrand


the first look: short film